Tax Bureau
The Wayne County Tax Office is open
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.
and on Thursday from 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
The Tax Office can accept payment, either in person, or by mail.
Checks should be made out to:
Sheriff of Wayne County
PO Box 218
Wayne, WV 25570
Phone: 304-272-6723

Assessment Date means a particular day upon which ownership and valuation are to be
ascertained for the purposes of allocation of liability for, and future levy of
property taxes. Assessment date constitutes a fixed reference to a particular day
upon which ownership and value are to be ascertained for future levy. July 1st of
each year is fixed as the assessment date. This information is used to establish
the amount of taxes for the following year.
An important message from the Wayne County, WV Tax Department:
New Homeowners Real Estate Tax Bills - Each July 1st the file for all property is
frozen in regard to the value, name and address that is utilized to prepare and mail
tax bills for the following tax year.
This is particularly important, when you are purchasing real estate as the tax
bills will be mailed to the former owner.
An example: John and
Susie Jones buy a house on August 15, 2000. During the closing the taxes for
the year 2000 will be prorated between the seller and the Jones family for
the year 2000. The Jones need to make sure that those year 2000 taxes are paid.
The tax bill for year 2000 would have already been received by the seller on
July 15th.
Now for the difficult part; because the seller owned the house
on July 1, 2000, the tax bill for year 2001 will be prepared and mailed in the
seller's name and mailed to the seller's address. Hopefully this tax bill will be
forwarded by the seller to the new owner the Jones.
These tax bills are mailed on July 15th of each year. As a new owner, if you
have not received a tax bill by July 25th of any year, you should call the tax
office and request a bill. You may reach your tax office at 304-272-6723.
On July 1st of each year, the Wayne County Assessor mails a personal property
declaration form to each individual and business registered with the Assessor's Office.
If you do not receive this form please call 304-272-6357, or come into our office.